Run 64bit Wine 1.9.7 on your Mac OSX system with Wineskin WS9Wine

You can now run 64bit WineHQ Wine 3.18 on your Mac OSX system with Wineskin WS9Wine keep in mind this is kinda sorta beta but fun none the less…

Update 10/25/2018

The 1.9.7 link has stopped working, I have updated the link to the latest Wine Staging 3.18 OSX 64 bit release…

I just repackaged for Wineskin, the 64bit engines taken from here…


I made a test installing 7-zip x86 and 7-zip x64 and it install them automatically in their appropriate folders as happens in windows x64 O.S.:

Well, seeing the launch screen of FO4 is definitely some progress. 🙂

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Experimental 64 bit Wine OS X packages ready for testing

Hi all,

Recently there were multiple requests to provide experimental OS X 64 bit packages. I decided to give it a try and updated our build system and cross compiling tool-chain during the last days. Luckily the whole idea turned out to be less difficult than I thought, and I can now present you the first 64-bit Wine packages for testing. It would be great to have some testers to find out if I made a mistake during the packaging and to evaluate how good the OS X 64 bit support already works, despite the GS segment / TEB problem.

You can find the Wine-Staging 2.6 development build. I didn’t use the WineHQ url because those packages are really in a very early stage, so I would like to have some more testers first before we push it to the users. The pkg installer will now provide you with an option to enable 64 bit support.

Michael Müller

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